The film was announced by Vijay Sethupathi, sharing the poster of Mumbaikar on Vikrant Massey’s birthday. Tweeting on his Twitter, Vijay shared himself a poster featuring Vikrant, Tanya Maniktala, Sanjay Mishra, Ranveer Shorey, Sachin Khedekar. Also written in a caption here is Mumbaikar’s first look. Happy Birthday Vikrant Massey, Massey Sahib. Mumbaikar will mark Vijay Sethupathi’s official Bollywood debut and fans are eagerly waiting for the film to hit theaters. Vikrant Massey is one of the Bollywood actors who needs no introduction.
The first look of Vijay Sethupathi’s first Hindi film Mumbaikar has been released. The film is a remake of Lokesh Kanagaraj’s 2017 Tamil action thriller Maganram, directed by Santosh Sivan. Now the Hindi version of the film also stars Vikrant Massey, Tanya Maniktala, Sanjay Mishra, Ranveer Shorey and Sachin Khedekar.
The poster of Mumbaikar’s film starring Riya Shibu was released by actor Vijay Sethupathi on Vikrant Massey’s birthday. The story of the film revolves around a young man who goes to Chennai and gets beaten up in a case of mistaken identity. Elsewhere and other characters have to face life-threatening situations and struggle to survive in a violent city. Nanya Maniktala, Sanjay Mishra, Ranveer Shorey and Sachin Khedkar star in Sethupathi-starrer film.