Happu Ki Ultan Paltan is a comedy show in which Yogesh Tripathi is playing the role of Inspector Happu Singh, Yogesh is a great artist and his acting made him powerful.
&TV’s most popular show Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain!, has a character Inspector Happu Singh who is a corrupt police inspector. This is the story of Happu Singh’s house “Happu Ki Ultan Paltan”. The main character in this show Happu’s mother, wife and children.
Happu Ki Ultan Paltan Cast
Yogesh Tripathi (Happu Singh)
Kamna Pathak (Rajesh Happu Singh)
Himani Shivpuri (Katori Devi Singh)
Sanjay Choudhary (Kamlesh)
Ashna Kishore (Katori Singh)
Vishwanath Chatterjee (Benny Prasad Singh)
Zahara Sethjiwala (Malaika Singh)
Aryan Prajapati (Hritik Singh)
Zaara Warsi (Chamchi Singh)
Arnav Tata (Ayushmaan Singh)
Somya Azad (Ranbir Singh)
Kishore Bhanushali (Resham Pal Singh)
Who play chedilal(dhobi) in happy Singh ?